Finished a new play – “Encore Encore”

Today I finished a final “first draft” of my new play – “Encore Encore.” The play details the problematic relationship between noted wit Dorothy Parker and her troubled husband Eddie. Eddie was a First World War veteran who suffered greatly from his wartime service and ended up being addicted to morphine and alcohol.

The story juxtaposes the meteoric rise of Dorothy’s career as a drama critic with the dismal decline of her marriage and the means she used to deal with that abrasive dichotomy.

At work, she is the insurmountable wit – always armed  and ready with a quip and a comeback.

At home, she is a vulnerable soul – dependent emotionally on a husband who cannot communicate affection.

The play concerns, ultimately, the public personas we create for ourselves to hide the pain we experience in our personal lives – and the danger of being trapped in those personas when it appears they are the only thing in which we can trust and believe.


“Fifteen Men” among the top 20 scripts!

I was informed the other day that my play “Fifteen Men In A Smoke-Filled Room” was judged to be among the top 20 scripts (among 200+ submitted) for a new play contest sponsored by the American Association of Community Theatre.

“Fifteen Men” is a real “baby” for me, because I have been working on the play since I was about 16. I hope to see it developed and fully produced one day for all the world to see.

For now, I’m grateful for the nod given by AACT and wish their community theaters the best of luck!

Community theater is the heart of theater, after all…

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Thanks to Panndora Productions!

I received a lovely email from a group called Panndora Productions the other day. I had submitted an older version of “Harriman-Baines” to their new play contest a while back. Panndora let me know that the play advanced to the final round of judging – how wonderful!

I wish Panndora Productions the best of luck with their productions and I also wish the winners of their new play contest the best of luck with their shows!

If you’re in the area, be sure to check them out!
