“Fifteen Men” recognized!

I want to thank the website Better Lemons for recognizing the recent production of my play “Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room” by Theatre40 of Beverly Hills!

“Better Lemons was founded by Publisher Enci Box with a commitment to support LA’s arts and entertainment community with aggregated reviews, original content, production resources, and marketing services.”

Each year, Better Lemons recognizes the plays that received the best and most reviews in the Los Angeles area on their platform (both reviews by critics and audience members) – called the Double Sweet Award!

Better Lemons Award

As I scrolled down the list of recognized plays, I came across this:

"Fifteen Men" Better Lemon's Recognition

“Better Lemons” had over 1,200 theatrical productions registered on their system in 2019 and “Fifteen Men” was one of only 92 to receive at least 10 reviews by critics that were overall positive!

Many thanks again to Better Lemons for this honor and for their great work in the LA arts community!