Top 15% for “Few Thy Voice”

I’m thrilled to announce that my Hitchcockian drama “Few Thy Voice” has been judged within the top 15% of scripts in the biennial new play contest sponsored by the American Association of Community Theatre (AACT)!

AACT is a wonderful organization that supports community theaters (the real lifeblood of the theatrical community) throughout the United States and has used its new play contest to elevate new works of theater since 2014.

“Few Thy Voice” concerns Illyria Swan, a former movie actress of delicate mental state, whose guilt at the abandonment of her now-deceased father leads her to take care of elderly, senile men abandoned by their families – but when the latest subject of her caretaking zeal reveals an apparent tale of murder, the actress finds her life in danger and her sanity in question.

I have had three other plays of mine been similarly recognized by AACT in previous years – “The Footsteps of God”, “Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room”, and “I and the Emperor”.

Many thanks to AACT for the nod!